Tuesday, April 22, 2008


1. Jimmy Carter's controversial book [on Israel] makes just one innocuous reference regarding the infamous PLO/Arabo-Nazi Covenant [attached] but about which he did 'sweet nothing' during his presidential term 1977-1980 [albeit its publication in North America coincided with his White House tenure and available intelligence regarding the Covenant’s linguistic generation by one Valerie Yemelyanov - Nikita Kruschev’s Arabic translator!

Proof: It was President Ronald Reagan's National Security Adviser, Richard Allen who, upon his appointment [after Zbigniew Brzezinski's tenure] issued an immediate request to the Israeli Government to undertake distribution of copies to members of the House of Representatives, the Senate and key Departments of State!
In the absence of official action the task was once again exercised by intrepid individuals amongst whom Dan Nimrod and [AFSI's] David Bar Ilan constituted an indefatigable force.

2. Anwar Sadat's 1977 Peace Initiative was accompanied by the rise of Peace Now see: Dan Nimrod's 1984 'Blueprint for National Suicide' & 'The Ideological and Organisational Origins of Peace Now' in Aleph-Yod September 30, 1987 - which disclosed that it was modeled on the movement [of the same name] which had surfaced in the USA [1943] but was soon outlawed for engaging in Un-American Activities: A 1944 Congressional Report determined that the prime personality engaged in the ’1943 Movement’s’ activities was an alien who had entered the United States via - NKVD controlled Russia in 1940!

Peace Now's continued Organisational & Ideological survival in Israel & USA is wholly dependent on US tax-exempt financial infusions : sustained ever since their inauguration during Jimmy Carter’s Administration !

3. Carter & Hamas: Just as he ignored the influence of the racist PLO-Nazi Covenants both during and since his presidency he once again demonstrates his unintelligent approach to history of world affairs - this time apropos the Hamas/Islamo Genocidal Covenant [see 'Three Genocidal Covenants' attached]!
Unlike the US Military Attache, Captain Truman Smith - who in 1922 confronted the little known Adolf Hitler with the anti-Semitic text of the latter's 1920 Nazi Covenant translated by Richard Murphy - it is highly unlikely that Carter's intention is to confront 'Hitler's Heirs' with the racial and genocidal texts of their sacred protocols.
In this respect Carter's 'culpability' is twofold: First, ignoring the inherent wisdom of Captain TrumanSmith's [suppressed] Hitler dossier. Secondly, legitimizing latter-day Barbarians whose Nazi program intends to visit a further Holocaust upon the Jewish people worldwide!


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