Thursday, July 27, 2006


On January 28, !994 the Norwegian Voice of America-Western Viking published a New York report entitled ‘The Oslo Connection : Nobel Peace Prize 1994’. The report was based on a February 1944 document, authored by the US House of Representatives Committee investigating the Un-American Activities of the ‘so-called’ Peace Now Movement (1943)!

The Committee contended that Peace Now had the brazen audacity to go over the head of the Roosevelt Administration with appeals to foreign governments – “to use their good offices for immediate peace negotiations and help stop the funeral crawl to Tokyo and Berlin”. The Committee found that Peace Now propaganda can do incalculable harm (e.g., ‘Peace Now Without Victory Will Save The Jews’); contending that it will have the effect, if it is believed, of undermining the morale of the people on the home front and of the armed forces – contributing thereby to the cause of the enemy!

The Committee found it incredible that an Alien (of Norwegian origin) who could not account for a decade of activity - prior to his USA arrival via Russia – should be permitted to create a (1943) movement intended to interfere with the successful prosecution of the war, without ever being apprehended by the security services!
Despite issuance of a 1944 deportation order against this commu-nazi agent; post-war enquiries in Norway (as to his whereabouts) determined that he had never left the USA. Later, when confronted, he confirmed that he had sought and was granted US citizenship (circa 1947) and that (albeit aged 82) his incomparable ‘peace now’ credentials are deserving of long overdue recognition by the Norwegian Nobel Peace Prize Committee: indeed his candidacy being much more appropriate, than that of the notorious Yasser Arafat and PLO/Arab Covenant – just then reported to have been nominated for the 1994 Nobel.

It was later learned that the Viking Report and copy of the PLO/Nazi Covenants were transmitted to Dr. Geir Lundestad, Nobel Institute Director, for submission to members of the Nobel Committee.
However, Professor Kaare Kristiansen, who resigned from the Nobel Prize Committee (in wake of the award made to Arafat) confirmed that Committee members were unaware of the existence of the Viking Report and Covenants during their deliberations!

In view of the unrelenting activities of Peace Now in Israel, since its resurrection in tandem with Anwar Sadat’s 1977 ‘Peace Initiative’ makes it imperative to digest the astonishing facts uncovered by the US Congressional Committee on Un-American Activities.

“There is no reasonable ground for permitting individuals or groups to translate their dissenting opinions into sabotage of the nation’s war effort. It is the latter which Peace Now has done and to the extent it has exercised any influence, it has contributed to the cause of foreign interests. Luckily, Peace Now had not been able to flood the USA with its propaganda”!

But what of Israel since 1977 ?

With the help of unremitting *US tax-exempt funding of Peace Now’s unrelenting ‘active political measures’ - Israel’s strategic position is now more perilous than ever before and particularly at this juncture of both direct warfare with Lebanon/Hezbollah-Hamas/Jihad/Fatah/Gaza and indirect conflict with their Syrian/Iranian Patrons.
In addition attention is directed to the enormous material, diplomatic and ideological support rendered by the ‘Patrons of the Patrons’ which makes it imperative to avoid degrading the morale and energy of Israel’s Home and Military Fronts.

Hence, the US Government is implored to review its ongoing financial infusions* to Peace Now before the latter once again becomes emboldened to link with active ‘zersetzungdienst (disruption) units’ now rearing their heads and provoking demonstrations - incited by the Communist Party and other extreme left-wing elements: Just as they did in 1982 and at critical periods thereafter!

*Americans for Peace Now : “Your contribution is Tax Deductible”, says Leonard Fein

Saturday, July 15, 2006


On 14 July 1941, the British High Command in the Middle East ratified the Acre agreement, which specified a complete cease-fire in Syria and Lebanon, an orderly transfer of the local administration to the victorious British and Jewish (palestinian) forces and the evacuation to France of all soldiers and officials who remained loyal to the treacherous French Vichy government (
The French had permitted establishment of Luftwaffe bases there which facilitated the bombing of Haifa and provision of air support for pro-Nazi Rashid Ali el-Gilani’s uprising against the British in Iraq, abetted by the renegade fugitive, Haj Amin al-Husseini and Saddam Hussein’s uncle/guardian, General Tufah Khariallah (see: ‘The Nazi Connection to Islamic Terrorism Adolf Hitler and Haj Amin al-Husseini, Chuck Morse 2003, ).
Removal of the pro-Nazi French forces was attained at great loss of life to Allied troops as well as diversion of sorely needed forces (from the North African theatre of operations) then facing Rommel’s Africa Corps reinforced by Arab [palestinian] formations, advancing on the strategic Suez Canal (see:[i] ‘Foreign Legions of the Third Reich’, David Littlejohn 1987, R. James Bender Publishing CA, Vol. 1: France, Norway, Denmark ISBN No. 0-912138 [ii] ‘Waffen SS and Other Units in World War II’, George Nafziger 2001, ).
After the suppression of the pro-Nazi uprising in Iraq (with the help of Jewish commandos in May 1941) Haj Amin al-Husseini, escaped to Berlin (via Vichy Syria) where he was accommodated by the Fuhrer, Adolf Hitler, and joined him in plotting the Holocaust of Jews in Europe and the Middle East.
After War’s end, Haj Amin was apprehended in Germany by the French and transferred to ‘house arrest’ in Paris from which he was allowed to abscond to Cairo and thereby escape indictment as a war criminal at Nuremberg!

On 14 July 2006, French President, Jacques Chirac, condemned Israel’s harsh response against the contemporary heirs of Adolf Hitler and Haj Amin al-Husseini in Lebanon: notwithstanding the unprovoked, treacherous aggression against its territory, its civilians and the symbolic attack on the city of Haifa.
Sixty five years after the 1941 assault on the City - when Lebanon was a Vichy French protectorate sheltering the godfather of Islamo-Fascism, Haj Amin al- Husseini as well as Nazi-German military formations - it is to be hoped that French diplomatic expertise may yet realize the imperative for rejecting the caricature of Vichy!
The French Republic is ill-advised to be perceived as facilitating once more (together with Russia) the succoring of both Haj Amin’s terrorist protégés - Hizbollah and Ahmadinejad’s Nazi Republican Guards, operating on and from Lebanese soil

Thursday, July 13, 2006


The January 17, 1945, Russian kidnapping of Raoul Wallenberg (a Swedish/American citizen) is the model emulated by Islamic myrmidons of ‘Oriental Despotism’ as first prophesied by Professor Kurt Wittfogel.
In January 1993, the Swedish Foreign Minister, Margaretha af Uglass (in the presence of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin) revealed the existence of secret Kremlin Files on Wallenberg. To date Sweden’s just request for access to these files remains unanswered!
Coincidentally, Sweden’s membership in the European Union was approved, thereby placing European and (by extension) G-7 economic power behind Sweden’s (and mankind’s) just demand to obtain The Wallenberg Brief - so far to no avail!
The International Remembrance Committee believes, that the forthcoming St Petersburg assembly of G-7 representatives, to be hosted by Vladimir Putin and his delegation, represents the ideal forum for airing unpleasant questions concerning The Murder of Raoul Wallenberg ! To exploit this godsend opportunity is the West’s imperative. Express your sixty-year pent up outrage to members of the Russian Duma. Demand of them to exercise their constitutional prerogatives and wrest the Wallenberg File from the Kremlin Keeper’s clutch.
In the meantime the United States must maintain the JacksonVanik Amendment and resist Putin’s and Lavrov’s incessant appeals for its repeal.
Similarly, the G-8 event is the moment for, UN secretary-general, Kofi Annan (whose wife Nane Annan is Wallenberg’s niece) to shed his cowardice and add his cry for Russian compliance with international humanitarian conventions.
The only available closure option is, forthwith repatriation of Uncle Raoul’s physical remains and opening of the Wallenberg File to international scrutiny.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

GEORGES MANDEL (Statesman) 1885 - 1944:7/ 7

Dear Editor(s):
Georges Mandel, France’s premier statesman might well have survived his various internments in both Vichy France and Nazi Germany and avoided his extra-judicial execution meted out by Cagoule terrorists, at Fontainebleau July 7 1944 – three days after his ‘extradition’ from safe confinement in Germany's Buchenwald Concentration Camp; one moth after D-Day and one month prior to Brigadier De Gaulle’s and Cagoulist Colonel Andre ‘Passy’s seizure of power (Cagoule [Hood] in ‘Anatomy of Terror’ A. Sinclair, 2003)
Historians concur that the June assassination of Vichy Minister, Philippe Henriot, provoked the murder of Georges Mandel ten days later. However none record the presence of Colonel Rol-Tanguy’s agent (planted) in the Minister’s office with obvious control over Henriot’s fate and hence Mandel’s!
Ongoing protection of his true identity constitutes an intolerable effrontery to justice.
Closure of Georges Mandel’s murder file is dependent on exposing the identity of all accessories (dead or alive) to both murders. A significant marker is, Colonel Rol-Tanguy’s confession that “the insurgents of the FFI were not totally delighted to be joined by the Paris Police in the uprising on August 19, 1944 (against the German occupier they had served with zeal for the previous four years). Tanguy (a communist) claimed that the police action was in effect, part of the Gaullist plan to seize the reins of power. Yet he was there yesterday alongside Jacques Chirac, the Gaullist Mayor of Paris, celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of the event” (Suzanne Lowry, ‘Daily Telegraph’ August 20, 1995).
Consequently, if only to remove himself from being charged as accessory to the murder of his compatriot, Mandel, he should have identified the one with the motive, will and means to implement a proxy execution, namely, fascist Colonel Passy - De Gaulle’s intelligence-police Czar in England (and cross-Channel 'missionary')!
Who was best served by the bloody removal of Mandel’s presence from a post-war reassembly of the Third Republic’s legitimate heirs? Would not Mandel, upon his safe return from captivity, have been given the most honorable reception by the Allied Leaders (Churchill, Roosevelt, Eisenhower) and restored to the leadership position he had manifested, prior to his betrayal by Generals Weygand, Petain and the defeatists in June 1940?
Furthermore, who conspired to bribe “the plaintiff Maurice Henri Dufour”, with 50000 Pounds Sterling, to withdraw the torture lawsuit he had filed (after obtaining a writ on August 6, 1943 in the High Court of Justice London) against “the defendants Brigadier-General De Gaulle, Lieutenant-Colonel Passy (real name Andre de Wavrin) and six other high ranking French Officers”?
Notwithstanding the illegal operations and subversion committed by De Gaulle and his cohorts on British soil (causing a cabinet uproar: “I request my cabinet to urgently consider liquidation of De Gaulle’s political power in order to protect Britain’s national interests”- roared Churchill in May 1943)! The failure to do just that places the burden of refuting the charge of complicity, in subsequent Gaullist/Cagoulist intrigues and criminal actions, fairly and squarely on British shoulders; in particular the failure to intervene and secure Georges Mandel’s longevity beyond his fifty-ninth birthday celebrated on eve of D-Day. Merely banning De Gaulle’s paper ‘La Marseillaise’ was as useless as Churchill’s mea culpa: “ah, if only I had been able to rescue Mandel”, or his cri de coeur to Roosevelt that “of all the crosses I have had to bear, the (double) Cross of Lorraine was the heaviest”!
The final indignity committed against Mandel is the fiction carved into the official memorial stone founded at the spot in Fontainebleau forest where Mandel was so callously struck down. How exactly is one to interpret – “Mandel est mort assassine par les ennemis de la France”? What exactly is meant by “the enemies of France”- precisely who are they? Obviously not Petain – since Francois Mitterand ordained it befitting to shower the latter’s memorial with Presidential wreaths.
In reviewing the ‘9/11 Commission Report’, the ‘Wall Street Journal’ lauds the Commission for clearly defining the contemporary enemy, who it says, “is not just terrorism but the threat posed by Islamic terrorism”. Hence “it is hard to defeat an enemy without defining who it is”!
For starters - is the duty of French authorities to seek linguistic advice intended to secure phraseology reflecting the truth. Inscription revisions on World-War Two memorials aren’t rare operations. Of note in this respect are revisions made to the memorials at Katyn forest in Russia and at Jedwabne in Poland – both clearing the Germans of commission.

Carl Henry Levy-Mandel NY(Cousin)
Klinghofer Institute