Thursday, December 21, 2006


Daniel Pipes ( 20/12/06) correctly contends that "Mossawa's Vision and Avigdor Lieberman's opposed proposals focus attention on a topic too long sidelined".
Hence it is imperative to expose the Chimera lurking in the background of the Quartet's mantra of 'Two States for Two Peoples'!

The Palestinian National Covenant was first promulgated in 1964 (when the West Bank was
under Hashemite rule) wherein Article 2 "defines Palestine as an indivisible territorial unit within the boundaries it had during the British Mandate 1920 including Trans-Jordan"
In plain words - Jordan is Palestine (East Bank - first entity)!

Since the removal of Jews from the Gaza Strip this purely Arab [Hamas] (second entity)
could be transformed into a seperate, thriving City State (of Singapore or Dubai
type - an idea - advocated by Tony Blair in Dubai on 20.12.2006 [see Jill Lawless-]
but bad-mouthed by Khaled Mashal on 'Al-Jazeera').

On the West Bank (located between the River Jordan and the Mediterranean Sea) exists
an established (fourth entity) recognized by all civilized nations as the State of Israel,
which includes amongst its citizenry “1.3 million Arabs” who (compared to many sectors
of the Jewish population) enjoy a higher standard of living - the envy of Arab kinsmen
throughout 'the Region'.

Adjoining it is an autonomous (third Arab entity) the Palestinian Authority with a
Legislative Council dominated by Islamists whose program (just like that of the PLO Charter) wants 'Jews Raus'.

Summary: The Territory of the British Mandate supports Four Entities for Two Peoples: three of which have absolute Arab majority and no Jews. The fourth entity(Israel) has a Jewish (Hebrew) majority with a very large Arab minority harboring
elements of irredenta.

Monday, December 18, 2006



Thursday, December 14, 2006


Iranian President Ahmadinejad is personally involved in promoting Holocaust Denial and Hezbollah - Hamas - Islamic Jihad - Terror: combined with a ‘strenuous’ agenda of ongoing uranium enrichment, defiance of the UN Security Council and IAEA.
The key question is, why Ahmadinejad negated invitations to premier Holocaust Deniers* - PA President Abu-Mazzen and Dr.Yevgeny Primakov (Putin's Mid-East plenipotentiary)?
Obviously a reduced complement of attendees at the Teheran Hate Fest is preferable to antagonising the Russian Bear - Iran's shield against the authorization of agonising UN sanctions on the Nuclear issue!
Ahmadinejad's negation of the couple Primakov-Abu Mazzen, confirms his cowardice!
The Raoul Wallenberg Circle

*In 1983, Mahmoud Abbas a.k.a. Abu Mazzen (Arafat’s PLO Deputy) submitted his doctoral dissertation to his Russian mentor Dr. Yevgeny Primakov (whom Alexander Haig characterizes as an enemy of the USA & Israel) at the Moscow based Oriental Institute; an event unnoticed beyond the Iron Curtain. For over a decade, Dr. Abbas successfully concealed the ‘subject matter’ of his academic labors in Russia from prying eyes of Westerners…Only after the collapse of the USSR did Dr. Abbas emerge from the shadows, rising into prominence through involvement in the ‘Oslo Process’ (even garnering a Presidential invitation to join Arafat at the White House for the ‘peace accord’ ceremony).
In January 1995 (a date coinciding with ceremonies commemorating the 50th anniversary of the ‘liberation’ of Auschwitz) a member of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, on a visit to Amman, discovered Dr. Abbas’s ‘terrible secret’ in a local bookstore display, namely, a 1983 Arabic rendition of his thesis entitled, “The Secret Relationship Between Nazism and the Zionist Movement”!
In this edition Abbas “refers to well-known Holocaust deniers (including Robert Faurisson, member of the Occidental Institute for Historical Review – Editorial Advisory Board and Teheran attendee), raises doubts that the gas chambers were used for extermination of Jews; claiming that the number of Jewish victims were wildly exaggerated in order that the Jews may achieve greater gains in the post-war distribution of the spoils”!
Abbas queries “the number of Jewish deaths during World War Two, maintaining that those who did succumb were victims of a joint Nazi-Zionist Plot”. On the other hand he is absolutely convinced that “of the 40 million war dead, the German people sacrificed (sic) 10 million, the Russians 20 million and the rest were from Yugoslavia, Poland and other peoples”!
Hence the Primakov-Abbas interpretation of history contends that “the Russian and German peoples combined suffered the major catastrophe (Naqba in Arabic) in a war incited by the Roosevelts, Churchills and of course the Jews…!

Abstracted from - “Holocaust Denial Nexus” - Klinghofer Editions 2003