Wednesday, March 28, 2007


In the (Jpost March 16 2007) report on Al-Qaida No.3 - Khaled Shaikh Mohammed (KSM) is credited with planning the February 1993 World Trade Center (WTC) attack carried out by a Muslim group promoted by the ‘blind Egyptian Sheikh’, Abdel Omar Rahman, who after a trip to al-queda areas in Pakistan & Afghanistan, settled in New Jersey!
According to both the chief NY detective investigating the 1993 attack and the TV documentary 'Twin-Towers Connection', the group included the Egyptian, El Nosair, convicted for conspiracy in the killing of Rabbi Meir Kahane in early November 1990. Apparently, the WTC attackers had visited the jailed Nosair just prior to the outrage; causing the detective to declare (on live television) that the task force was reopening the Kahane File since “the two outrages were indisputably linked to a greater international conspiracy”! In the wake of KSM’s claim vis a vis responsibility for WTC 1993 it follows that Al-Queda is linked to the murder of the lonesome Rabbi (Kahane) which in turn brings into focus the ‘elusive link’ - the link between Al-Queda and Saddam’s Iraq.
The ‘Iraqi Connection’ to the Kahane murders has significant evidential markers: Meir Kahane was felled 3 months after the Iraqi occupation of Kuwait (August 2 1990 and 2 months prior to commencement of Operation ‘Desert Storm’ to liberate Kuwait (January 16 1991)
The period in between was utilized by the Iraqi regime to incite PLO genocidal attacks against Israel as well as the October [1990] riots on the Temple Mount - recall Saddam’s financial support for genocide bombers’ families and his linkage of the Israel-Palestinian problem to resolution of the Kuwait crisis engendered by Iraq - which included firing of Saddam's SCUD Missile arsenal into Israel's territory : No less!
Arabs and Islamists, undoubtedly swayed by their own hyperbole [concerning Rabbi Kahane’s ideological hold over large segments of the ‘Israeli street’] believed that a ‘hit on the fountainhead’ [after years of unceasing agitation against him by Arabs, Bisharists, Communists, fellow
travelers and Islamists, commencing with the Russians in the 1970’s - as recounted in the ‘Mitrokhin Archive’, Allen Lane, 1999] would ignite enough internecine strife in Israel and the territories – and thereby shift the perennial Palestine issue back to the front-page of international concern in order to subvert American leverage and will to follow through with its plans: Intended to liquidate Saddam’s control of Kuwait as well as frustrate Yevgeny Primakov’s ras-putinal intrigues.
The clincher surfaced in 1991, in Samuel Dothan’s, ‘Reds - The Communist Party in Palestine-E.I.! Therein he reproduces 1930’s communist hate propaganda posters, proclaiming the existence of “an imperialist/zionist conspiracy directed against the Arab peoples, Iraqi petroleum and Soviet Russia! This time “vilifying, ad-hominen, Chaim Arlossoroff, [a senior Jewish Agency official] culminating with his murder, in 1933. A crime committed by two assassins dispatched by, the Comintern leadership in Moscow” [which was determined to establish a ‘Soviet Arabistan’, in the Mandated territories - as instanced in Whittaker Chambers’ account ‘Witness’]. Communist subversion ignited decades of fratricidal conflict within the communities of the Holy Land.
Consequently, ‘free-world elites’ should digest the penetrating observation advanced by [the German human rights activist and author of a new book on Iraq] Thomas von der Osten-Sacken after 9/11 [2002]: Anti-globalization ideology brings together Saddam Hussein, Usama bin Laden, Hamas, Arafat, Balkan Moslems and Commu-Nazis [with their traditional pan-Arab ties] et al. In extremis you have a [1930’s] constellation confronting the Anglo-Saxon world, with the Jews in the metaphysical center of the [succession] conflict”!
Suffice it to conclude with ‘Caroline Glick’s cri de coeur’, condemning “the opportunism of weak political leaders...their reckless behavior before the price of their cowardice and perfidy become unbearable”(www.jpost 27 March 2007).

Monday, March 12, 2007


The comparison between the Nazi and PLO Covenants was published 25 years ago in the Canadian Jewish Herald - Oct.1980 (publisher Dan Nimrod z"l). One year later saw publication of 'On A field of Red' - the Comintern and the coming of World War II' (Putnams 1981) which revealed that (three years prior to the appearance of Hitler's 'Mein Kampf') the American Military Attache in Germany, CaptainTruman Smith, secured a 1922 audience with Adolf Hitler in Munich. The outcome of that encounter is enshrined in an extraordinary report - breathtaking for its insight!
Hitler insisted that the 25 articles of the Nazi 1920 Covenant were the 'dogma of our faith and the rock upon which the Party was built'. Captain Smith, disturbed by Hitler's anti-semitism and the ominous language of Article 4 (see below -"None but those of German...No Jew...may be a member of the nation") concluded that 'Hitler intended to perform a radical surgical operation on the JEWS and remove them totally from German lebensraum!
The British response to this murderous plan was its 1922 decision to bar Jews from the eastern part of the Mandated Territories, namely the expansive, uninhabited desert of the trans Jordan (in short declare it 'Judenrein'). In the meantime the USA buried Colonel Smith's intelligence: determined to stay aloof from the 'petty affairs' of EurAsia until the day it was to receive its twin wake-up 'calls' - Hirohito's 'Pearl Habor' & 'Hitler's Declaration of War'!
America's cavalier treatment of Colonel Smith's real time intelligence led (inter alia) twenty years later to the Holocaust. Likewise, the unintelligent treatment by Beilin, Clinton, Peres and Co., (a dozen years or so after Dan Nimrod's real time intelligence) saddled Israel with Arafat and Oslo.
Today (after Hamas's election victory) Israel and the West is once more confronted by a genocidal covenant, the Hamas Covenant -
endorsed by the Mad Mahdi of Teheran!
The question is - will the Jews (for the third time) be beguiled to forgo real-time intelligence and once more succumb to commu-nazi psywar propaganda intended to wear down their resistance to Hitler's Heirs?

Sunday, March 11, 2007


In April 1941 [two months prior to 'Operation Barbarossa'] Russia skillfully neutralized the military threat from the East by means of signing a Neutrality Pact with Japan. Thus when the Wehrmacht swept into Russia, Hitler was unable to mobilize a Japanese attack against Russia's rear, despite the provisions of the 1936 Anti-Comintern Pact & 1940 Tripartite Pact.
Nonetheless, when Japan opened its campaign of aggression against the USA and Britain in the Pacific and Far East, Hitler & Mussolini gratuitously honored the Pacts by declaring war on the USA [four days after Pearl Harbor]!
After cessation of hostilities in Europe in May 1945, the Western Allies were still heavily engaged in the Far East and US Forces were still far from realizing a successful invasion of the Japanese mainland.
However for the Russians to leap onto Japanese soil was physically an easy operation: indeed the total occupation of Japan was such a tempting prize that moves indicating imminent abrogation of its Neutrality Pact were discerned in the summer of 1945 - prior to the bombing of Hiroshima on August 6.
Indeed history records that Russian forces commenced occupation of Japanese territories on August 8 - which they refuse to vacate to this day!
The atom bombing of Nagasaki the following day - which brought about Japan's acceptance of surrender terms on August 14 and landing of US forces on mainland Japan on August 26 - also constituted a warning to Russia not to progress further with its unprovoked aggression against a defeated Japan!
On September 2, 1945, the USS Missouri anchored in Tokyo Bay, aboard which the Japanese signed the formal terms of their surrender to the United States of America.
Thus were the Japanese spared decades of the nasty fate rendered by Russia to the nations of Eastern Europe.