Tuesday, May 17, 2011



In 1983, the Arab, Mahmoud Abbas a.k.a. Abu Mazzen (PLO Leader Yasser Arafat’s Deputy) submitted his doctoral dissertation to his mentor, Dr. Yevgeny Primakov at the Moscow based “Oriental Institute”; an event unnoticed beyond the Iron Curtain. For over a decade, Dr. Abbas successfully concealed the “subject matter” of his academic labors (undertaken in the USSR under the auspices of Russia’s premier Arabist) from prying eyes of Westerners; particularly anti-communists and neo-cons. It was only after the collapse of the Soviet Union that Dr. Abbas emerged from the shadows, rising into prominence through involvement in the 1993 “Oslo Process” (even receiving a Presidential invitation to join Arafat at the White House for the “peace accord” signing ceremony).
It was the perchance visit to an Amman bookshop, by a member of the Simon Wiesenthal Center (in January 1995: a date coinciding with ceremonies commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz) which led to the awesome revelation of Dr. Abbas’s “terrible secret”: a 1983 Arabic rendition of his thesis, entitled, “The Secret Relationship Between Nazism and The Zionist Movement”!

In this edition Abbas “refers to well-known Holocaust deniers (including Robert Faurisson, member “Institute for Historical Review - Editorial Advisory Committee”), raises doubts that gas chambers were used for extermination of Jews, and claims that the number of Jewish victims were wildly exaggerated by the Zionists in order to agitate world public opinion: to empower the Zionist Movement so that it may achieve “greater gains” in the post-war “distribution of the spoils”.
Abbas queries “the number of Jewish deaths during World War II”, maintaining that those who did succumb were “victims of a joint Nazi-Zionist plot”. On the other hand he is absolutely convinced that of the 40 million war dead, “the German people sacrificed (sic) 10 million; the Soviet people 20 million; and the rest were from Yugoslavia, Poland and the other peoples”!
Hence, the Primakov/Abbas interpretation of history contends that “the Soviet and German peoples” combined, suffered the major catastrophe (Naqba in Arabic) in a war incited by “Roosevelts, Churchills and the Jews” (confirming the pernicious influence of latter-day Tyler Kents and commu-nazi-jihadi propaganda).
Conveniently, neither of the two “institutes”, responsible for promoting the twin 1983 texts - “Denying the Holocaust”, address or even recall the singular event which really ignited World War II, namely: consummation of the infamous Stalin-Hitler Pacts of 23 August and 28 September 1939, which lead to the outbreak of war 1 September 1939 resulting in the destruction of European Jewry.

In this enterprise the Arabs of Palestina participated, through the agency of their spiritual and political Fuhrer, the Grand Mufti, Haj Amin al Husseini (one of Hitler’s mentors on the “Jewish Question”). Nonetheless, after the war the Russians extended an invitation to this war criminal, to visit Moscow; notwithstanding Ambassador Nikita Smidovich’s public posturing (NYTimes 1985) “that Russia stands firmly by its 1943 ‘allied’ commitment to deliver Nazi henchmen to their accusers in order that justice may be done”!
Surely we are not asked to believe, that the two authors were unaware of the existence of the strategic Russo-German nexus first cemented in 1917?
Tyler Kent was in-situ, in Moscow 1933-1939! Abbas’s tutor, Dr. Primakov was a KGB insider and was promoted to head that organization by Mikhail Gorbachev (who publicly praised Stalin for making the compact with Hitler - in a speech delivered on the occasion marking the seventieth anniversary of the Bolshevik October Revolution (“Novosti”, November 1987).
Furthermore, Abbas’s mentor went on to become, both Foreign and Prime Minister during the Yeltsin era; whilst today he serves President Vladimir Putin, as Special Envoy (last reported mission was to Saddam Hussein in Bagdad, just prior to launching of “Operation Iraqi Freedom”). Notice that the sound bites emanating from the throats of Bush and Blair opponents are uncannily similar to those scripted by the two authors starring in The 1983 Nexus.
In order to remedy the amnesia of Abbas and his mentor as well as Tyler Kent’s confederates at the IHR (Institute for Historical Review) suffice it to cite a document which has only recently seen the light of day, namely, Uncle Joe’s address delivered to the plenum of the Soviet Communist Party Politburo on August 19, 1939.
Thus Spake Joseph Stalin:
“War will be set aside if we conclude the Treaty of Mutual Assistance with Great Britain and France. However, if we accept Germany’s offer for the conclusion of a Non-Aggression Pact, she will naturally attack Poland and the entry of Britain and France into the war will become inevitable. Comrades! It is in the interests of the USSR and the Communist movements in Europe that War should break out between the Third Reich and the Anglo-French capitalist bloc. Consequently, we must give priority to the approval of the conclusion of the Pact proposed by Germany, and to work so that this War, which will be declared within a few days, shall last as long as possible”! (“The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Empire”, Brian Crozier, 1999)

Lesson: Israeli politics and diplomacy must digest the sordid truth of such treacherous and perfidious acts of international conduct conduct in history which felled Six Million Jews.



In 1983, two infamous “academic institutions” devoted to Jew hatred (geographically, many thousands of miles apart) accomplished the concurrent publication of two holocaust-denying, anti-semitic and anti-zionist “texts”! The authors (one an American, the other an Arab/Muslim) both have “impeccable personal pedigrees”, as well as “intimate Muscovite affiliations”.
The American (a former US foreign service officer) whose first diplomatic appointment (in 1933) was to place him in the most sensitive area of the reopened US Embassy in Moscow - the Code Room – an obvious target for Soviet Intelligence penetration; rendered the Cipher Clerk a special candidate for sexually induced manipulation (as attested to in “Moscow Station” and “Conspirator”)!
The Arab, co-founder of the Palestine Liberation Organization (and as attested to by General Oleg Kalugin on “BBC World” 9/2001) a creature nurtured by the KGB (and) armed with a genocidal Covenant intended to deny survival to the Jews.
Compare Article 6 of the PLO Covenant with Article 4 of the (1920) Nazi Covenant - described by the US assistant military attaché in Berlin (after an audience with Hitler in 1922) as - “Hitler’s undisguised intention to ultimately perform a radical surgical operation on the Jews and remove them totally from German soil”!
In September 1939, the American, Tyler Kent, was transferred to the Code Room of the US Embassy in London (headed by Joseph Kennedy). Britain was at war with Germany and the Nazi-Soviet conquests of Poland were progressing. Molotov’s description of this naked act of aggression was more graphic, viz., “there was one swift blow to Poland, first by the German Army and then by the Red Army, and nothing was left of the offspring of the Versailles Treaty” (compare this enunciation regarding international treaty obligations, with the textual renderings published in the Nazi – PLO Covenants, cited above).
Notwithstanding the dire geopolitical context obtaining, Tyler Kent craftily embarked upon a treacherous expedition of stealing top secret documents and transmitting them to agents of the Ribbentrop-Molotov nexus.

Proof - 1 : a February 1940 letter from head of MI5 counter-intelligence (whose assistant was Anthony Blunt) to Kennedy’s deputy at the US Embassy, warning him that cable traffic originating London Embassy was surfacing in Rudolf Hess’s intelligence bureau in Berlin!
Proof - 2 : information originating KGB archives reveals that “the wartime files of the Russian London residency contain many secrets of the British War Cabinet, including the correspondence between Churchill and Roosevelt” (as attested to in “Mitrokhin”)!
Within a week of Winston Churchill’s accession to the Premiership (10 May 1940) Kent was arrested in his Gloucester Place residence (within walking distance of the embassy) surrendering 1900 copies of secret cables; including the Roosevelt - Churchill correspondence and the Red Membership Book, naming 250 prominent members of the British Establishment.
This treacherous group, which constituted an anti-Churchill and anti-Jewish cabal, was prepared to compromise England’s national security; to submit their country to the merciless diktats of both Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia (then bound by their new 25 Year Boundary and Friendship Treaty). Indeed, released intelligence files confirm that Scottish Nationalists (on the eve of the impending attack on England) asked the Germans “to send republicans and weapons to Scotland from ‘neutral’ Ireland so that they could proclaim a ‘Scottish republic’ and join a Dublin based Celtic union”!
Kent’s perfidy was of inestimable value to the secret services serving the Commu - Nazi nexus of “oriental - despotism”. The US authorities were compelled to waive Kent’s diplomatic immunity and he was subsequently tried, convicted and imprisoned in the UK for duration of the war. Released in November 1945 he returned to the USA where he was never prosecuted! The question is, why not? The answer advanced is: his breaches of US national security were committed during the period of “non-belligerency” which then existed between the USA and the two totalitarian powers – Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia!
However, it is possible to advance another answer to the question, namely, that the US-UK “waiver agreement” was of limited duration (i.e., duration of war that Britain was waging for its freedom and survival). Hence the duty of both governments, even now, to release documentation so far withheld; in order to dispel (the) suspicion that Kent the traitor was the recipient of extremely lenient judicial treatment: considering the November 1945 death penalty meted out to his contemporary American, William Joyce (‘Lord Haw-Haw’), for broadcasting Kent’s material from Berlin (as attested to in “Truth Betrayed”)!
Thereafter, during his long and comfortable US retirement, Kent was aided in his attempts at “rehabilitation” by the Los Angeles based “Occidental Institute for Historical Review”: notorious for dissemination of vitriolic epistles denying the Holocaust. Indeed, in 1983 it published a Special Issue of “The Journal of Historical Review”, in Kent’s honor, devoted to vilification of Roosevelt, Churchill and of course the Jews! The Issue served as the platform for this self-righteous villain to posture as a “patriotic knight errant”, single-handedly challenging “the warmongering trio” (cited above). Had Kent prevailed in “Sein Kampf”, the Russians (whom he purported to despise) would undoubtedly have pre-empted the Anglo-American attainment of the “holy grail” (the Bomb) which in Edward Teller’s penetrating analysis, would have been fatal for civilization!
Tyler Kent concludes his tirade thus: “today (1983) US “ruling circles” (sic: note Communese) recognize that none of the touted war aims were achieved…. Instead there is a constant harping on the moral triumphs allegedly achieved. Hence the incessant ravings about the supposed Nazi atrocities, about the Belsens and Dachaus, the Buchenwalds and Auschwitzes – above all, the “Holocaust”…The hoax of the twentieth century (citing Dr. Arthur Butz, member Editorial Advisory Committee!) intended to empower the Zionists”!

Lesson: the reluctance of American politics and diplomacy to confront the sordid truth of Tyler Kent’s treachery, impedes US diplomatic control and command to this very day, in its dealings with latter-day oriental despots.

Monday, May 16, 2011


An:, Datum: Montag, 16. Mai, 2011 11:52 Uhr

An: Datum: Freitag, 6. Mai, 2011 11:34 Uhr
sg@un.orgDatum: Sonntag, 27. Juni, 2010 15:13 Uhr

The comparison between the Nazi and PLO Covenants* was published 30 years ago in the Canadian Jewish Herald Oct.1980 - publisher Dan Nimrod, z”l.
One year later saw publication of 'On A field of Red' - the Comintern and the coming of World War II' (Putnams 1981) which revealed that (three years prior to the appearance of Hitler's 'Mein Kampf') the American Military Attache in Germany, CaptainTruman Smith, secured a 1922 audience with Adolf Hitler in Munich. The outcome of that encounter is enshrined in an extraordinary report - breathtaking for its insight!
Hitler insisted that the 25 articles of the Nazi 1920 Covenant were the 'dogma of our faith and the rock upon which the Party was built'. Captain Smith, disturbed by Hitler's anti-Semitism and the ominous language of Article 4 ("None but those of German...No Jew...may be a member of the nation") concluded that 'Hitler intended to perform a radical surgical operation on the JEWS and remove them totally from German lebensraum!
The British response to this murderous plan was its 1922 decision to bar Jews from the eastern part of the Mandated Territories, namely the expansive, uninhabited desert of the trans-Jordan (in short declare it 'Judenrein'). In the meantime the USA buried Colonel Smith's intelligence: determined to stay aloof from the 'petty affairs' of Eurasia until the day it was to receive its twin 1941
wake-up 'calls' - Hirohito's 'Pearl Harbor' & 'Hitler's Declaration of War'!
cavalier treatment of Colonel Smith's real-time intelligence led (inter alia) twenty years later to the Holocaust. Likewise, the unintelligent treatment by Beilin, Peres, Clinton & Co, (a dozen years or so after
Dan Nimrod's real-time intelligence) saddled Israel with Arafat, Abbas and Oslo .
Today (after Hamas's election victory) Israel and the West is once more confronted by another genocidal covenant, namely: The Hamas Covenant
endorsed by the Mad Mahdi of Teheran! [Note that in World War Two Iran/Persia - until regime change was allied with Nazi-Germany]
The question is – will the Jews (for the third time) be beguiled to forgo real-time intelligence and once more succumb to commu-nazi-jihadi psy-war propaganda intended to wear down their resistance to Hitler's Heirs?

* The Covenants were passed to US State Dept's, Daniel C Kurtzer, at ADL's National Convention (NY Marriot 6/13/90) in the presence of 300 delegates!
** Note: Robert Murphy [a Five-Star diplomat] commenced career in Munich [1921-25]: his name appears on 'National Socialism [Document 12] The Programme of the Party of Hitler' [see the covenants on this blog].