Architects & Planners for Justice in Palestine call for Israel ban at 2006 Venice Exposition
'UK Group APJP calls on Biennalle Architectura to ban Israel Entry'
The uuprofessional insults - ad-hominen - hurled worldwide [from UK] by so-called Architects and Planners (ostensibly seeking Justice in Palestine) mask an unrelenting Leninist agenda : designed to delegitimise the inalienable right of Jews to self-determination on even part of their ancestral territory.
The insults reflect anti-semitism masquerading as anti-zionism
(a fetish - of rootless newcomers and domiciled marxists -subverting
a former 'fair and pleasant land').
Fact : in Volume XXVII of “Problems of Communism” (published by the International Communication Agency, Washington, DC, December,1978)
features Dr. William Korey’s, 'Anti-Zionism in the USSR', wherein he recounts "the anti-Jewish rantings of a Communist Party member, Valeriy Yemel’yanov - a professor at both the Institute for Foreign Languages in Moscow and the ‘Znanie’ (Knowledge) Society - tasked by the Kremlin’s Elders to disseminate updated versions of the infamous forgery, the ‘Protocols of the Elders of Zion’ [authored by a Russian aristocrat, Mathieu Golovinski, unmasked by 'Le Figaro' August 1999].
In a significant research footnote, Korey notes an interview granted by Yemel’yanov, to the PLO’s 'Falastin al Thawra', in Beirut (21.03.1976)
Twenty-Six years ago the 'New Statesman' recounted the saga of this Arab language expert!
“Valeriy Yemel’yanov, best known for his violent anti-semitic exhortations,
predicted that - the Zionists and their fifth column, the Judeo-Masons,
would rule the world in the year 2000…“Yemel’yanov wrote a book called,
'De-Zionization' - which departs from Hitler’s 'Mein Kampf' in presenting
the Slavs (not the Germanic peoples) as the Master race and the Jews as genetically defective Untermenschen"!
"Through his Palestinian contacts, acquired when he
served as Nikita Khrushchev’s Arabic interpreter, he had the book smuggled to Paris, where it was published in Russian by the
Palestine Free Press
for distribution in Mother Russia”.
US Senator Jacob Javits, armed with a copy of Yemel'yanov's "gutter tract", confronted Anatoli Dobrynin, the Russian ambassador - only the sustained intervention of Javits, wrote the 'New Statesman', “resulted in his expulsion from the Communist Party and loss of his professorship.
The grim ending of Yemel'yanov's publishing career was murder
of his wife in a fit of drunken rage”.
According to 'Los Angeles Times' Moscow correspondent, Dan Fisher
(April 28,1980) “Yemel’yanov was arrested after his wife’s remains were discovered in a Moscow rubbish dump a few days after April Fool’s day 1980, and committed to a mental institution for the criminally insane”.
Yemel’yanov,amnestied by Gorbachev - during the era of Perestroika and Glasnost - immediately joined the anti-semitic Pamyat (Memory) Order. Alexander Kolakov, the Pamyat Fuhrer, “gleefully envisioned a new Holocaust in the not too distant future” (see: H. Keinon, 'Jerusalem Post' July 20, 1990 & 'The Economist July 11, 1987 on
‘Jew Architects').
Senator Jacob K. Javits is recalled for valiantly exposing commu-nazi
anti-zionism for what it is - unadulterated anti-semitism.
His legacy includes early alerts regarding policies designed to sanitize the PLO-NAZI genocidal covenants [attached] : advocating instead relentless resistance to 'diplomatic agents' and so-called 'human rights hijackers', who wilfully ignore the goals of latter-day sub-contractors imbued with Hitler's & Haj Amin al Husseini's zeal for initiating a new Holocaust.
[see: 'The Nazi Connection to Islamic Terrorism' Chuck Morse 2003]