Friday, June 08, 2007


President Nicolas Sarkozy authored a 1994 book on the pre-eminent Franco-Jewish Statesman - Georges Mandel - assassinated 7/7/1944 in the Forest of Fontainbleu (having survived four years of both Vichy and German incarcerations). However, in his narrative on Mandel, Sarkozy fails to reveal any new facts on the motive for Mandel's elimination, a month prior to the US Army's liberation of the Paris/Seine Region in August 1944.
According to Alexander Zvielli (in
www.jpost – archives of May 3, 1942) "the US State Department announced that there was still no formal recognition of De Gaule's Free French" - to which the Soviets had accorded recognition as early as July 1941. In return De Gaulle aligned France with Russia in a treaty he rushed to sign in Moscow, December 1944 - to the chagrin of the Western leaders. Thus was founded the discord, between the USA – Britain and France, which haunts their strategic relationships to this very day!
US recognition of "De Gaulle and 'his Committee', as the de facto civil government of France in the liberated areas of that country, was delayed until July 11, 1944 - that is to say four days after the successful elimination of the Republican Georges Mandel"!
The personality best served by the bloody removal of Mandel's post-war presence, indisputably was, De Gaulle and his entourage in their progressive march towards "seizure of the New Power"!
Will President Sarkozy have the courage to empower a Commission of Inquiry: Intended to determine the motives and identities of the personae involved in Georges Mandel's murder, a War Crime not subject to Statutes of Limitations.