Walt's & Mearsheimer's J'accuse, is a compilation of challengeable assertions
(View London Review of Books)
"Palestinian terrorism is not random voilence; it is largely a response to Israel's prolonged campaign to colonise the West Bank (of the River Jordan) and Gaza Strip" (W & M)
The Four Entities of Palestina-Eretz Yisrael
The Palestinian National Covenant was first promulgated in 1964 (when the West Bank was under Hashemite rule) wherein Article 2 "defines Palestine as an indivisible territorial unit within the boundaries it had during the British Mandate 1920 including Trans-Jordan" ( East Bank)
In plain words - Jordan is Palestine!
Since the removal of Jews from the Gaza Strip this purely Arab (Hamas) second entity could be transformed into a thriving City State of Singapore type
On the West Bank (located between the River Jordan and the Mediterranean Sea) exists an established entity (the fourth) recognised by all civilized nations as the State of Israel, which includes amongst its citizenry "1.3 million Arabs" who (compared to many sectors of the Jewish population) enjoy a higher standard of living - the envy of Arab kinsmen throughout 'the Region'.
Adjoining it is an autonomous third Arab entity (the Palestinian Authority) with a Legislative Council dominated by Islamists whose program (just like that of the PLO Charter) wants 'Jews Raus'.
The Territory of the British Mandate supports Four Entities for Two Peoples: three of which have absolute Arab majority and no Jews. The Fourth entity (Israel) has a Jewish (Hebrew) majority with a very large Arab minority harboring elements of irredenta.
Thus the Quartet mantra of Two States for Two Peoples is a Chimera..
"The story begins in late September 2001 when Bush began urging Sharon to show restraint in the Territories...pressed him to allow Peres to meet Yasser Arafat... Alarmed, Sharon accused him of trying 'to appease the Arabs at our expense', warning that Israel 'will not be Czechoslovakia'. Bush was reportedly furious at being compared to Chamberlain"... In April 2002 the IDF launched Operation Defensive Shield" (W & M).
Conveniently omitted is mention of the prior Massacre of worshippers, gathered to celebrate the Passover Seder, by the myrmidons of Yasser Arafat
What Mearsheimer & Walt don't know is that Sharon's Czechoslovakian Metaphor was Re-presented to the media on 6 October 2001. Fate ordained that it appear as an Open Letter Now
Sharon's forbearance of unabatable Arab Terrorism to date abated with the murderous assault on Jewish worshippers assembled for celebration of the Festival of Tabernacles (September 2001). This perfidious act propelled Prime Minister Sharon to the rostrum and declare the new doctrine. Calling on the European democracies and the United States not to appease the Arabs at Israel's expense, he invoked the metaphor of the Czechoslovakian tragedy: "Israel will not be Czechoslovakia which did not resist Hitlerian aggression. Israel will fight Arafatian terrorism". Distortion of Sharon's remarks, by Arafat's orchestra and an international assortment of agents provocateuers, led to a needless diplomatic altercation between the United States and Israel - both peoples the victims of respective Declarations of War by Nazi Germany!
For academics and ordinary people short on historical memory, let them be reminded that it was the corrupt French Foreign Minister, Georges Bonnet (blackmailed by Nazi agents controlled by Otto Abetz) who played the sinister role in the betrayal of Czechoslovakia and later at Vichy; whilst Mr Chamberlain, after apprehending Hitler's treachery, courageously enunciated the British declaration of war on Nazi Germany (an act not emulated by President Roosevelt)!
"Nazism, observed Karl Barth (the Swiss Protestant theologian) is a religious institution of salvation. It is impossible to understand National Socialism unless we see it as a new Islam".
In view of declarations of genocidal intentions by certain Arab and Islamic leaders (and Arab-Moslem cooperation with Nazi Germany as instanced by Haj Amin al Husseini and Hitler) is contemporary Islamic fanaticism a new Nazism?
Temple Universaty Professor, Franklin Littel, has developed an 'early warning system' to identify terrorist and genocidal movements. A characteristic of terrorist movements, listed on the Methodist minister's 15-point grid, is overt actions of anti-semitism!
Littel emphasises the most important lesson of the Holocaust: "the Nazi Party was a terrorist movement before it became a government with the power to commit genocide. The purpose of the Holocaust and the purpose of the PLO Covenant (and Hamas Covenant) are the same - to deny survival to Jews. The PLO (and Hamas) are unfit to discuss anything with anybody, let alone represent a people"!
In 1922 the American assistant Military Attache in Berlin, Captain Truman Smith, went to Munich "to assess the reported developing strength of the National Socialist Movement", obtained an audience with Adolf Hitler and querried him about his anti-semitism! Captain Smith was provoked by Hitler's ominous program, in particular Article 4 of the 1920 Nazi Covenant and concluded that "Hitler never disguised his intention to perform ultimately a radical surgical operation on the Jews and remove them totally from German soil"!
A 1982 review of Barnes & Barnes' 'A Publishing History of Hitler's Mein Kampf 1930-39' pleaded for "a publishing history of the Covenant of the Palestinian Liberation Oranization Now. Would that we did not have to wait 50 years to have the definitive record of the abridgements of Yasser Arafat's ideology in its transmission to Western academics, diplomats, generals and media"!
Hence the imperative to recall - the Rasputinal role of Nikita Khrushchev's Arabic translator, Valeriy Yemel'yanov, in the publishing ventures of the PLO (whose 'Free Press' in Paris published and distributed his anti-Jewish tract De-Zionization worldwide); the infamous Primakov-Abu Mazzen anti-semitic 'doctoral' thesis and the fresh evidence submitted by Vasily Mitrokhin's Archive (1999) as well as KGB General Oleg Kalugin's confession (on BBC World with Gavin Esler on 9/23/2001) regarding "KGB nurturing of the PLO and its 'terroristic declaration of principles"!
The PLO-NAZI Covenant(s) symmetry, the Nobel United Nations-NGO's sponsored anti-semitic rally in Durban (reminiscent of rallies at Nuremberg) and the subsequent 9/11 atrocities, clearly indicate the parameters for deciding "the correct definition of terrorism" - which seems to be eluding the decision making prowess of so-called professors and diplomats internationally.
President George W. Bush however spelt it out most succinctly: either/or - for or against !
Until the 'coalition against genocidal terrorism' comes abord it behooves Israel's Justice Ministry to activate the punitive 'Nazi Collaborators Law and forbid contacts and dealings with individuals and organizations infected with the Nazi virus.
Dedicated to two Anglo-Czech Holocaust Survivors
Robert Maxwell MC (Leib Hoch tz"l) : Carpatho-Ruthenia '38 - Slovakia '39
Anonymous : Sudetenland '38 - Moravia '39
6 October 2001